Sunday, December 19, 2010


For a Better Way to Live

Today, and every day, deliver more than you are getting paid to do. The victory of success will be half won when you learn the secret of putting out more than is expected in all that you do. Make yourself so valuable in your work that eventually you will become indispensable. Exercise your privilege to go an extra mile, and enjoy all the rewards you receive. You deserve them!

In other words be helpful.

Walk the extra mile. Who could have thought this with great love and authority but Jesus Christ? He said when you are asked to walk a mile, walk for two miles instead.

If you do more than just your paycheck or your job description is telling you, you are actually opening the floodgates of opportunity for you. The best bonus is that you win more friends. Why? Because every time you transact with somebody they think it's business but you surprised them by taking part of you for them and you make them feel good about you.

Paycheck or whatever payment you work for is always there as long as you are capable of working or doing things for business but doing more than what your check is telling you to do is an isolated case of the human phenomenon.

Going an extra mile is obviously outside of the business enterprise. In fact, if you do this you establish within both of you a bridge that becomes the avenue for a lifetime of friendship.

And in everything that you do you have to do it your best because you will never know when will be the next time that you will be given the chance to do it again.

Perhaps, 20 years from now you will regret those things you did not do than the things that you have been mistaken – things that you have done. Mind you, regret is more painful than failure or rejection!

So what are you waiting for, flap those wings, put on the sail and step your best foot forward – and break a leg!

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