Thursday, July 8, 2010


Many individuals suggest that life is like a race or a sort of gamble, which obviously you have to let others fall for you to rise, or others to rise for you to fall - that too I strongly disagree.
The logic is simple.

What is a race but is synonymous to competition. What is a competition but is synonymous to a winner over a loser or more losers and a winner or a winner and all LOSERS!

Life is not like that. That fact that you live, the fact that you are here is the manifestation that you are a winner. Much more if you realize that your existence is driven with or by a certain purpose, then there is no chance of losing and no place for losers; everybody is a WINNER!

Once again, if we consider life as a race, a competition, then one shall stand, the rest shall fall.

If life is a competition, then who would you expect to win? No other than the fittest – the fittest of the human kingdom – the survival of the fittest. This connects to the fact that the majority of mankind is weaklings and only handfuls are strong. So, if you belong to the majority, would you call life a race – a competition?

Now, given the chance that my statement is amenable. Let's say life really is, and really is a competition, then surely this is the only competition and race wherein everybody reaches the finish line altogether as winners – no one's left behind.

Corollary to this thought is the fact that we need each other as a whole. One is crucially connecting to each other like a chain holding the ship at bay. Ones actions affect the wholeness and integrity of the chain. Worse or at it's best, the action reverberates through time and eternity and would deeply affect the coming generations of men. Just site some political scams and scandals, in the Philippine setting, respectively. You'll see how the act (it could be scandal or praise-worthy act) of a certain individual (a politician) affects the entire chain of humanity, we say, Filipino people.

Nonetheless, just like an athlete who brings home the bacon for the country, the same token happens, everybody rejoices in such success. Site some of our successful athletes, musicians, mental wizards who did it some abroad.

In life, if you think yourself rich because the others are poor, think again, that as poor as they are, they serve a great purpose to your riches, since you can barely be called rich without them. If you think yourself strong because the others are weak, think again, that as weak as they are, they serve a great purpose to your strength, for you cannot be called strong if they are strong as you are. If you see yourself beautiful because the others are ugly, think again, that it's only in them that you get your beauty coming out. Because if everybody is beautiful (we say physically), then nobody is beautiful either. If everybody has it, then nobody has it. It's hard to imagine a beauty pageant with contestants having no losing and winning ends. Or a nation, wherein everybody's on the “top” and nobody's sweeping trashes on streets.

Assessing back my first thought is even weaker compared to the second. 'Cause, don't you ever think that life is like that.


Considering our inter-connectedness, then, ones fall would mean the fall of everybody. If you spend the rest of your life thinking that you must be above everybody, then think again, that it is everybody who puts you above!

Everybody is a winner in this life, no matter who you are, and no matter what you do. Just don't forget to realize your purpose!



Before the ball gets rolling I would like to introduce to the limelight one of the finest if not the best, preacher, keynote speaker, business man, organizational spearheader, networker and writer, Mr. Bo Sanchez! His book How To Find Your One True Love will be the lifeblood of the discussion of this issue's cover story.

The book itself archives thoughts mostly condensed on relationship – finding your partner of a lifetime. A tandem of biblical and practical thoughts grounded on the author’s brilliant counsel, a book worthy of a best-selling medallion.

Many of us Filipinos believe in destiny; that no matter what, in the midst of stubbornness, inaction and laziness the right guy will find his way to you – wrong! As if somebody out there in the wilderness God has handpick a man for me, no no no. You have to CHOOSE among those men according to the ideals that you have about him. The problem of multiplicity. Where in the world will a young lady looking for her guy amidst 3.5 billion adult males (correct me if I'm wrong) in the world will find her way to him. It's either she's going to date these guys or these guys' going to date her just to find her one true love. Surely, he’s just there. She'd be so lucky if at her 80's she'll find him halfway through that number!

On the outset, the book is supposed to be gentler on the readers, mostly females, who are the primary target of the book's ideology. Nonetheless, the author warns that the book may run counter against our long perennial belief system about love, courtship, marriage and sex. You might be thinking that the book will do favor on you – let's see. Anybody who has the plan to remain clinging like obstinate wild vines to their old beliefs, feel free to turn down the book. On the other hand, if you feel a flicker of will-to-change in your soul, beliefs and finally in your marriage life, feel free to do so.

I think this book really makes so much sense!

One more thing! Never in my life have I read books having this writing fashion. Every author has the wit, yes they have, and I have few: Jack Canfield, Norman Vincent Peale, Paolo Coelo, Stephen Covey and a lot more. But our very own Bo Sanchez is a boss in his writing prowess plus the fizz of his sense of humor injected in every page of his book. Cover to cover is worth the sit and forty-winks.

The book contains 8 crucial steps towards finding your one true love, although there are thousands of ways to do it as there are thousands of ways of how to kill a cat.

The book took few of its foundation on the author's lived experiences – mostly of his eighteen years of paddling two streams of crucial decision he will be making in his life – celibate or married life. That's a never ever easy forging he made of himself just to be where he is now.

That's why his book is an ultrasonic avenue towards his inner mind and soul.

Ok. Enough, I guess that's it. Let's take our best foot forward now on the first step of eight.


On this step Bo stressed out mainly to use the very 'godlike' faculty He has given us, our mental faculty. It says don't give God the responsibility he has given you in the first place. This is where your first ramshackle belief turns to rubble, like: Don't act, don't move, and don’t do anything, just stay in the mid-air God will give the man of your life anyway – in the right time and place – wrong!

If it's destiny, I see three protesting contradictions and problems. First, the problem of multiplicity; Second, the problem of choice and third the problem of responsibility.

The problem of choice. This directly contradicts destiny. In destiny, no matter what you do or even you do nothing at all – things will happen for you, right?! No, Bo strongly stressed, you have to take full responsibility of your life and actions. As I have said, you have been given this faculty nearest to heaven, and that's your brain, your coconut shell, your mental faculty, your central processing unit or whatever you call it to decide choose and take full stewardship of your life.

So much so, that you cannot blame others including your boyfriend if you have an irresponsible mate. It might be because of your carelessness. I guess, no outside force can coerce you to have and to like somebody without your permission. It is because you allow it and you welcomed it to your life.

The Problem of Responsibility. There is a saying “politics is an art of choosing somebody to bear the blame.” The same is through with marriage. We chose destiny or God to choose for us so that later when your relationship doesn’t work and your marriage failed, you can point your big fat finger to God and blame him because he has given you such a monster in your life. For all you know, marriage is not a toy. One has to take a realistic sense of responsibility to uphold the demands of marriage life – humility, hard work, courage, sacrifice – and nosebleeds too.


Now, here’s the catch in here. You’ll get the match of who you think you are. They said water seeks its own level. And so a financially challenge individual will attract a financially challenged partner too; a low self-worth individual will also attract a partner with low self-worth; the same is through with physically challenged individual who will attract the same.

Do you know who’s stopping you? No other than it’s YOU. The one that’s stopping you inside is a wrong assessment of your own self. You know what? Because we usually put that self-worth on the eyes of the other individuals, on the passersby, instead of you sizing-up your worth.

Don’t get me wrong, you believe in the saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Convincing, isn’t it?! And we always thought of the beholder as the girl or the guy next door – big mistake! That beholder is YOU, before anybody else follows. You can’t be beautiful from inside out unless you acknowledge it to the whole universe that you are really beautiful. Thus, the principle “you cannot give what you do not have.”


I know ladies your teeth now are beginning to grind and your eye-brows splicing up together. As strange as it may seem, the author suggest – you do it!

So how’s your belief – ouch!

Contrary to our Maria Clara belief system, a woman is more likely to choose a lifelong partner if she’s more oriented to lots of guys. I’m not saying Maria Clara is wrong, only that there is something arguable with that iconic cultural female figure.

Ok here we go, don’t over presume. We are not suggesting here that you’ll be flirtatious. We just want to strike the mean of virtue, meaning, the catch between over conservatism and flirtatiousness. What we suggest is that don’t be too aloof with guys. Again, we are not saying that you’ll let yourself raped!

Are you alright!?

We suggest you make your own checklist of all the characters and qualities you like in a guy or a lifetime partner and go get your trolley and have your ‘shopping spree’ with that checklist. Just don’t forget that responsible must be number one on the checklist.


Don't worry we are still at the prime of our sanity! Girls you do not court boys here, you simply just be 'close' to them with no further intimacy. You're simply looking for friends, no more no less.

In our Filipino cultural orientation dates would usually mean romantic, well, it may not be. You want to date because you don't want to be in love with somebody whom you haven't been your friend first, right?

Whom are you going to date? Bo suggest that you don't have to stick to your “type” because your type may actually comes from your weakness. It is your way of filling the void in you. (More on this when you read the whole book.)

Perhaps, on your way meeting friends you'll fall to the trap of “love at first sight.” There is no such thing. Love is never acquired or felt in one fell swoop, it takes time, energy, sacrifice and responsibility before true love knocks at your door.

Here's one thing for you guys, and I myself agree with Bo. Old friends make good marriage. Simply because they've known each other very well long before enough.

So don't rush, choose well and don't forget to enjoy life!


As what we have said above, you cannot give what you do not have. Nobody around you can feel the real beauty unless you've projected it yourself. It must first exude from you before anybody else feel it for you.

Invest in clothes and make-up kit, but not much. Remember the real beauty (say physically) of a woman comes without those make-ups. Make-ups or vanity kits may even just blind those impurities in you but not remove them. They serve as concealer of the beauty or ugliness in you.

Cultivate a lovely character! Cultivate your sense of joy, humor, collegiality, love for God and nature. Physical dissatisfaction can be operated by the best cosmetologist in the world, but never on the character. It's all up to you.

Now, here's an attractiveness secret you might not know at all girls. Never make that guy “jobless.” Once he’s employed in the chase, never give him the chance to lose the sense of thrill. Be a cunning “prey” that you can be. To make myself clear, the psychology of a predator is more satisfying when the chase is a little bit harder.

We human males are natural hunters so if we feel that the prey is chasing us instead, we lose the thrill and we tend to back-off because we feel that we are losing our job. So girls lots of “maybes,” “perhaps,” “we’ll see” will add flavor to the chase. Although we hate delays and hardships, we never expect to have you in our pocket that easy.

Never let us feel that the game is over, it must continue up even when we’ve been into relationships already.

Lesson: an easy come relationship is an easy go relationship.


Bo calls it Non-negotiable Checklist. This contains all the characters your dream spouse must have. Majority of singles don’t do this because they think it’s easy as eating an apple pie or choosing a partner is as easy as choosing which toothpaste to use.

You’ve got to do it. Never be complaisant that the right spouse will come to you, without you wanting for it. The unbreakable law of attraction states that you get what you want for – it’s logical. If you’re planning ahead for a better family life, plan the man that you want too.

Remember, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. An unwanted spouse or husband is an unwanted conjugal life in the future. So, please choose carefully the man that you want to be with for life.

Never ever say this; “anyway love will conquer all!” Do not give love the responsibility it has given you.


Never give love the responsibility of changing a drunkard husband or an irresponsible spouse - it won’t work. That is why after marriage both of you will be slammed by a bitter reality that “love is never enough to a married life.” You know there must be something there missing and you know it’s one of your neglect.

Now ladies, here is the tip at the tip of my finger: Chose a guy whom you know can carry the tremendous burden of a married life.

Who is he? I bet your checklist runs short.

Chose the man who is capable of responding to the emotional, spiritual, physical, psychological and more importantly financial pressures of a married life – with you! It’s not perfectionism. The list isn’t perfect itself but it’s essential.

Here are examples of Bo’s Non-negotiable Checklist:

He must take responsibility for his life.
He must be free from serious addictions.
He must be emotionally healthy.
He must earn enough to start a family.
He must be morally upright.
He must be spiritually committed.
He must love his own family.

You extend the list if you want. If one man doesn’t qualify and doesn’t’ want to be qualified on your list, feel free to dump him. Go check out another. (More exegesis on the checklist above if you read the book itself.)


Finally, we’re entering the gate that will lead you to the way where you want to be.

Again don’t keep that hunk jobless, keep him going. Keep him popping for mysterious thrills in your hands. I don’t mean to say that you’ll toy with him, just be the girl who will give him the daredevil of the ride!

Now that you’re in a romantic proper, perhaps after few chocolates and red roses showers Johnny Boy got you in his hand. In here, you have to remember that the closeness of friendship is gone and you’re inside a different environment.

Just few reminders to men out there, don’t keep the girl guessing. Don’t ever play with a girl’s heart. Stop sending mixed signals to her. If you want her, then court her, if you don’t, then stop the selfish game, ok.

Here’s one indication that a guy is dead serious about you: is when he is excited to know your parents and his parents to you. But if a guy would rather creep-up into your window in the wee hours of the night like Michael Jackson’s Thriller zombies; be cautious of that wicked creature of the underground. You would rather prefer a guy with “balls” no matter how strict your parents maybe.

Don’t rush!

It takes at least two years for your partner to manifest addictions and other weaknesses you might regret after marriage. I guess this is the time when both of you are loosing up character or some attitude inhibitions.

Girls, surrendering your virginity is never a guarantee or giving-in to sexual act with your boyfriend doesn’t guarantee you anything. If the boy is asking you guarantee if you really love him or if he is threatening to leave you if you don’t give what he wants, then go kick his butt to the vile underworld where he belongs!

Remember that your virginity is a crowned gift to the man who deserved it the most – not to monsters.

Bo stated few advantages of remaining a virgin before marriage:

You save yourself from out-of-wedlock pregnancy.
You’re not tempted to abort or murder your baby.
You save yourself from venereal disease.
You’re able to discern if your current guy is really marriage material.
You don’t get trapped with a person – just because you had sex.
You don’t feel cheap – like a used rag.
You create urgency for your man to take your relationship to the next level.

(More explanations of those above if you read the book.)


This step simply means marriage!

Bo said, “marriage is like a magnifying glass. It simply magnifies the misery or the happiness that you had as a single person.”

In the neck of time, we are still obstinate on some reminders about your partner-to-be. Here’s one tip for you; never marry anybody who is miserable, always cursing, blaming and hating anybody and anything that comes along his way. That person is a pincushion of all bad lucks and hatred in this world.

Remember the magnifying principle of marriage. Inculcate, engrave, emboss and ultra seal this in your mind ladies, that the way your boyfriend is treating you today will be magnified twice or trice when you get married – especially his nuisance characters.

Don’t marry a person who only loves you and hate his parents, because someday you’ll look like his parents and he’ll hate you too.

Marry a man who takes RESPONSIBILITY of his own life, loves God, his parents and your parents as well; perhaps even your dogs or cats. The probability is high that he will love you too. The way he treats others will be a (perfect) manifestation of how he’ll treat you after marriage.

Here’s one simple formula Bo formulated in his lab:




Again and again, marriage is NOT just all about love! It’s all about RESPONSIBILITY. After marriage both of you will realize that “LOVE is not enough,” especially if you’re quarreling about finances and how to feed several mouths at a time.

Ask it to yourself, is this man taking full responsibility of his life? If he cannot even brush his teeth or iron his clothes or pay his little debts and kept running away from it, I know girl - you’ll get lost or at least throwing a stone into your head.

Finally, here’s what you want to do; never forget to ENJOY life! This is the most important thing after all. Enjoy it and everything else follows.

There is a saying, “all animals in the jungle know that the purpose of life is to enjoy it, except for one animal – man.”

I don’t have an idiot board to coach you exactly on how you will enjoy your life – it is in your cup of tea. The probability of getting a happy marriage is very high once you’ve enjoyed your single life. Remember the formula; let me state it this way – a happy woman magnetize a happy man and so on and so forth.

For me, no beauty compares to a HAPPY soul!

So, thank GOD and ENJOY life!!!

(P.S. more informational materials when you read the entire book of Bo Sanchez . This review of mine might not even be a halfway through with it. Avail the book at

Check this also:


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Counter Strike by itself has a standing ovation not only for it’s longevity on the gaming fortress but obviously for its entertaining value. It’s almost a stereotyping adage when it comes to software gaming. You won’t have an instance in an internet shop without somebody getting tabs on this game.

It’s fun!

Anybody playing this game more often than not feels the thrill of being in a real war environment; holding a virtual AK47 with a pissing fire power to an ordinary gloc and side gun.

Playing this game would keep your sit devil hot – it’s addicting! You won’t even mind somebody or anything outside of your monitor except being a complete idiot swaying yourself side to side during gameplays as if real bullet’s hitting you headshot down.

I guess, this game offers a seemingly real FPS (First Person Shooter) environment and a real antagonist to protagonist simulation game or whatever you may wish for. Plant the bomb and you’ll get your opponents sneaking and chasing your butt like crazy while others go for the bombshell.

Anyway, Counter Strike was authored by the software game-developer firm VALVE, spearheaded by former Microsoft employees Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington somewhere out there at Bellevue, Washington, USA.

Counter Strike is not an original game brainchild of its own; rather it is an adaptation of the pioneering game first developed at Valve. That was Half-life released in 1998 – barely before the dawn of considerably high powered PCs – at least here in the Philippines. Counter Strike was based on Half-life, a sci-fi FPS game (as of this penning I haven’t played one yet, lol). Hence, Half-life is its fairy godmother who brought Counter Strike to a somewhat magical gaming esteem.

Counter Strike Source on the other hand is the latest release over the consecutive versions and releases of the game. The version itself, as in the last word “Source” was based on the new 3D gaming engine developed by Valve – the Source game engine.

Counter Strike keeps bringing home several bacons already, namely few: Action Game of the Year 2000 by, Action Game of the Year 2000 by, Online Game of the Year 2000 by GameSpot UK and US, Special Award by Multiplayer Gaming 2000 by and a lot more.

So far, whenever you’ll be thinking of an FPS game that brings you to the edge of your seat, Counter Strike takes the lead over others.


Counter Strike is easy to play once you are familiar with some other FSP shot ‘em up multiplayer games such as Halo and Quake. Nevertheless, sheer curiosity about the game will eventually hook you up there.

The minimum system requirements for PC to play Counter Strike Source:

1.2 GHz processor, 256 MB RAM, DirectX 7 capable graphics card, considerable faster Internet connection (for perks gaming), and of course standard keyboard and mouse for input methods. If you can go beyond these system requirements, it’s for your great advantage! But below that, you’ll encounter annoying lags and inconveniences.

Here’s few technical and aesthetic tweaks I’ve observe playing this game on different or high end PCs:

Try playing the game on faster more advanced CPUs such as Core 2 Duo (2.93 GHz – besides that perhaps the games itself is SMT conscious) or higher – you’ll notice a faster and smoother stride on the character you’re controlling. Thus, more leeway for maneuver during offence and defense that is why less chances of being hit by an enemy (using lower specs CPUs).
For aesthetics, try using higher end video cards such as PCI-E ATI Radeon 3600 (the one I’ve used) or NVIDIA GeForce, I guess not lower than 512 MB memory allotment with higher frame rates per second of not lower than 60. You’ll see a more auspicious and life-like environment you’ll never see on lower powered CPUs. You’ll dramatically notice a more realistic weapon skins, uncompromising wall structures, fragments, bullet holes and ridges, blood spills become more life-life, the tiles you’re walking in becomes smoother and shinier; count in the complement of your HD LCD monitor. One more thing, numbers on the buttons of the C4 explosives is clearly noticeable which is hardly on lower CPUs. All these I noticed specifically on the de_dust map settings.
On higher CPUs, audio rendition is superb. I noticed a crispier sounds and effects such as foots steps, gunshots, radio commands, wall and sand particles, tin cans, bottles ect. All these contributes to a more satisfying gaming experience, though may require a little of your pocket.

Never confuse yourself in playing this game. It’s just between two main teams you have to choose before gaming:

The Terrorists
The Counter-Terrorists

And the game mode as what I’ve learned includes:

Bomb Planting and Detonation
Bomb Deffusal
Hostage Rescue
Team Deathmatch.

You’ll learn as you go on or as you get addicted. So, no worry!


I hope you’ll be oriented with the following elaboration below at least the weaponry used in the game.



The pistols are the cheapest guns in the game. They are a player's secondary weapon, and usually are only used in pistol-only rounds; at the start of the game when nobody can afford larger guns; or when ammunition supplies for the larger guns have been exhausted. They are only semi-automatic, and typically lack power, but can be quite effective if aimed carefully.


* Price: $400
* Country of origin: Austria
* Caliber: 9mm parabellum
* Magazine capacity: 20 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 0.3kg
* Projectile weight: 9g
* Muzzle velocity: 1932 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 475 joules
* Special traits: Can be fired in 3-round burst mode

The Glock is low-powered, but accurate. It is the default terrorist starting pistol, and is dirt cheap, but is often not particularly useful unless you are very accurate. If you have a fast finger, buy this gun or join the terrorist's team for a free gun. In some versions, this has an unlimited fire rate. If your finger is not so fast, use bursts and go for headshots or use the three round burst.


* Price: $500
* Country of origin: Germany
* Caliber: .45 ACP
* Magazine capacity: 12 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 1kg
* Projectile weight: 15.2g
* Muzzle velocity: 886 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 553 joules
* Special traits: Can be fitted with a silencer

The USP is the default counter-terrorist starting pistol, packing a greater firepower into a similar size and weight. The added advantage of being able to silence the USP means that counter-terrorists often have an advantage in pistol rounds (i.e. at the start of a new game when nobody's got any money).


* Price: $600
* Country of origin: Switzerland /Germany
* Caliber: .357 SIG
* Magazine capacity: 13 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 1.03kg
* Projectile weight: 8.1g
* Muzzle velocity: 1400 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 600 joules

The P228 is a small pistol, with average attributes. Many players choose the Desert Eagle over it, as the prices are quite similar, but the P228 is a decent choice if you need a pistol. Its accuracy is around average, but it is more powerful than the USP.

The p228 actually seems to have more accuracy than the Desert Eagle, a larger magazine, and it only takes about five shots to the chest to kill a target. You can't snipe with this like you can the Desert Eagle though. Learn to use the recoil of the gun to increase your ability to hit a target and increase the chances of getting a head shot (it deals over 100 damage). It may have a faster firing rate than other pistols.


* Price: $650
* Country of origin: Israel
* Caliber: .50 Action Express
* Magazine capacity: 7 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 1.8kg
* Projectile weight: 19.4g
* Muzzle velocity: 1380 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 1650 joules

The Desert Eagle (or "Deagle") is the most powerful pistol, being able to kill somebody with one headshot. Its magazine is rather small (only 7 rounds), so accuracy when using it is quite important. Most players will choose a Desert Eagle if they're buying a handgun (and have the money).

If you crouch and pick your shots you can snipe with this pistol and get headshots from ranges that most people will think they're safe during pistol rounds. The bullets also penetrate players, which despite its magazine size, can make this gun shine in close quarters.


* Price: $750
* Country of origin: Belgium
* Caliber: 5.7x28mm
* Magazine capacity: 20 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 0.618kg
* Projectile weight: 2g
* Muzzle velocity: 2345 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 465 joules
* Team: Counter-terrorists only

The FN-57 has a decent accuracy and a large magazine, but is slightly lacking in power. It's very low weight does not affect the running speed with the pistol, as all pistols allow the player to run at the same speed (250 units per second).

Good weapon if used correctly, but with this weapon the trick is to stay away from close range fights (except if you are sure you can get 2-3 shots to the head). It is about as good as the dual Berettas, but it's weaker and has a lower rate of fire; however, it has good accuracy and low recoil in comparison to other pistols.


* Price: $800
* Country of origin: Italy
* Caliber: 9mm parabellum
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds (15 rounds on each pistol)
* Weight (loaded): 1.15kg
* Projectile weight: 8g
* Muzzle velocity: 1280 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 606 joules
* Team: Terrorists only

The Berettas are not particularly useful apart from the fact that there are two of them, which doubles the firing rate over a single pistol. They have poor accuracy, and only average power, so are best used as spray weapons (and with considerable success in some cases). However, due to their high price and poor attributes, it's best to go for a cheaper pistol, or a sub-machine gun instead, unless you practice a lot with them, in which case they can actually perform better than many SMGs.

Practice makes perfect. Once you become proficient with these you become a very formidable force. You can also buy these during the first round of a new map, which will give you a significant advantage in terms of magazine size. Headshots are key with this gun. [edit] Sub-machine guns

The sub-machine guns are the next cheapest, and pack more firepower than the pistols. Many players prefer to use SMGs over full-blown rifles due to the weight advantage (SMGs weigh less, and therefore the player can move faster) and the fact that if they're aimed properly, they can kill just as effectively and quickly as a rifle or shotgun.


* Price: $1400
* Country of origin: USA
* Caliber: .45 ACP
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
* Rate of fire: 857 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 3.82kg
* Projectile weight: 15.2g
* Muzzle velocity: 919 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 584 joules
* Team: Terrorists only

The MAC10 is similar in many respects to the TMP. However, its rate of fire is slower, and its power is greater. You can use the MAC10 in a similar fashion to the TMP, and it copes well at close range, but since its accuracy is appalling, you can't effectively snipe or fire long-distance with one.


* Price: $1250
* Country of origin: Austria
* Caliber: 9mm parabellum
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
* Rate of fire: 857 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 1.3kg
* Projectile weight: 8g
* Muzzle velocity: 1280 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 606 joules
* Team: Counter-terrorists only

The TMP (or "Schmidt Machine Pistol") is the cheapest counter-terrorist sub-machine gun, but is very useful if wielded correctly. It may not be particularly powerful, but its rate of fire is almost unmatcheable, and is thus an exceedingly effective spray gun, especially in confined spaces. If aimed properly, and fired at the right time, one player can take down most of an enemy team with headshots, using only a TMP.


* Price: $1500
* Country of origin: Germany
* Caliber: 9mm parabellum
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
* Rate of fire: 800 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 3.42kg
* Projectile weight: 8g
* Muzzle velocity: 1132 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 637 joules

The MP5 navy has a high rate of fire, decent accuracy, and decent power. This is the most common submachinegun, as it has small recoil and the crosshair is the same while running, walking or ducking. If you aim for the head, you can pull off consistent headshots typically before the other person has time to react. The accuracy is poor at longer ranges, but up-close it's good.


* Price: $1700
* Country of origin: Germany
* Caliber: .45 ACP
* Magazine capacity: 25 rounds
* Rate of fire: 600 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 2.27kg
* Projectile weight: 15.2g
* Muzzle velocity: 1005 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 625 joules

The UMP is similar in many respects to the MP5 navy, but has a slower rate of fire. It is a slightly more powerful weapon, and is somewhat lighter, but the slower rate of fire means that you can't pull off the "surprise kills" you can with the MP5 navy.


* Price: $2350
* Country of origin: Belgium
* Caliber: 5.7x28mm
* Magazine capacity: 50 rounds
* Rate of fire: 900 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 3kg
* Projectile weight: 2g
* Muzzle velocity: 2345 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 465 joules

The P90 is the ultimate sub-machine gun. It has a massive rate of fire, with decent accuracy and lower power, meaning that it's best used as a spray weapon. The large magazine (largest in game excluding the M249) lends itself to this, and so the P90 should always be used to spray at people's heads.


The shotguns are a special group of weapons. Most players can either use shotguns properly, or they can't. Correct use of a shotgun entails precise timing (not necessarily good aim) about when to shoot, especially with the pump-action M3 super 90, as mis-timing of a shot can mean death due to pumping time. Reload sooner as opposed to later. With the shotguns each round is reloaded individually, and you can fire to interrupt the reload.


* Price: $1700
* Country of origin: Italy
* Caliber: 12 gauge
* Magazine capacity: 8 rounds
* Rate of fire: N/A
* Weight (loaded): 3.5kg
* Projectile weight: 3.8g/pellet
* Muzzle velocity: 1250 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 2429 joules

The M3 super 90 is an incredibly powerful weapon, but has a long pump and reload time. One shot to the head with this shotgun will kill somebody, but mis-timing the shot will mean you have to evade their fire until you've pumped for the next shot. The M3 super 90 works considerably better at close range, but some people have been known to snipe with one. However, this isn't advised.


* Price: $3000
* Country of origin: Italy
* Caliber: 12 gauge
* Magazine capacity: 7 rounds
* Rate of fire: 400 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 4kg
* Projectile weight: 3.8g/pellet
* Muzzle velocity: 1250 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 2429 joules

The XM1014 is an auto-shotgun, meaning it doesn't have the pump time of the M3 super 90. It allows you to fire off all 7 rounds in two seconds or less, and is quite deadly. However, it is slightly less powerful than the M3 super 90, so usually two shots will be required to kill somebody. It is also almost double the price of the M3 super 90 and considerably heavier. Regardless, it's a very powerful weapon, without the pump drawback of the M3 super 90.

This is pretty obvious, but the bots' behavior is quite strange, since they shoot, load, shoot, load, etc. This increases the accuracy of the gun by taking out the recoil, so do that if you are stuck with a group of people, with no where to run. At least you won't waste any ammunition if you die.


The rifles are the most powerful automatic weapons, and the most commonly-used. Players need a fair amount of money to be able to buy one, and they therefore typically only appear during the second round of a game, after pistols have been used in the first round. Due to the firepower of any of these rifles, aim is not a requirement of use, but their effectiveness can increase dramatically if the seconds are taken to crouch down and aim for a player's head. Doing so will mean two or three shots are fired instead of ten.


* Price: $2000
* Country of origin: Israel
* Caliber: .223
* Magazine capacity: 35 rounds
* Rate of fire: 675 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 4.35kg
* Projectile weight: 4g
* Muzzle velocity: 2013 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 1712 joules
* Team: Terrorists only

The Galil has a high rate of fire, and decent accuracy, but is low-powered. It is good as a cheap rifle, and will get you many successes, but other more-powerful rifles are likely to win in a straight fight.


* Price: $2250
* Country of origin: France
* Caliber: 5.56 NATO
* Magazine capacity: 25 rounds
* Rate of fire: 1100 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 3.4kg
* Projectile weight: 4g
* Muzzle velocity: 2212 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 1712 joules
* Team: Counter-terrorists only

The FAMAS is a decent weapon compared to some other rifles and SMGs. It has an unmatched rate of fire and is very accurate, but it is not very powerful. It has a burst fire mode which is useful for ammo conservation or when you have a very itchy trigger finger. This gun excels at long range, it gives a skilled user the ability to easily pull of single shot headshots, its effectiveness at close range is only limited by its low magazine capacity. Always use burst mode for long-range combat and aim for the head or the upper body. A couple burst shots will definitely kill, since the burst firing mode will make the weapon way more accurate compared to shooting manual bursts in the automatic mode.


* Price: $2500
* Country of origin: Russia
* Caliber: 7.62 M43
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
* Rate of fire: 600 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 4.79kg
* Projectile weight: 7.9g
* Muzzle velocity: 2329 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 1992 joules
* Team: Terrorists only

The AK47 is one of the classic weapons included in every game. It is powerful, has a high rate of fire, and good accuracy if fired in small bursts. Most terrorists will use the AK47 almost exclusively, and it's a safe bet for any player on any map. Remember to fire in small bursts only, as in longer bursts, all the accuracy is lost and you will most likely miss your target by a long way. This weapon will kill anyone with a single headshot, no matter if they wear a helmet or not.


* Price: $3100
* Country of origin: USA
* Caliber: 5.56 NATO
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
* Rate of fire: 685 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 3.22kg
* Projectile weight: 4g
* Muzzle velocity: 2900 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 1570 joules
* Special traits: Can be fitted with a silencer
* Team: Counter-terrorists only

The M4A1 is the counter-terrorists' equivalent of the AK47. It is powerful, has a rapid rate of fire, and is slightly more accurate than the AK47, especially when only a few shots at a time are fired. It is a capable weapon in the hands of any player, and most counter-terrorists will use it if they have the money available. If you crouch when firing with the M4A1, headshots are very easy to achieve, and you will most likely kill with one headshot.

Many people find it easier with a silencer in certain conditions. For example, when facing a large group of enemies at the double-doors in de_aztec. If you are sure you can kill them, since they don't have good accuracy, put on the silencer and start spraying at their lower bodies. The recoil should bring up the attack box, shooting their chests, or possibly even their heads. Also, reload after you have about five bullets left.


* Price: $3500
* Country of origin: Switzerland
* Caliber: 5.56 NATO
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
* Rate of fire: 727 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 3.1kg
* Projectile weight: 4g
* Muzzle velocity: 2900 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 1570 joules
* Special traits: Has a usable scope
* Team: Terrorists only

The SG-552 is a more expensive weapon (which raises the question of why the terrorists can purchase it). It is about as powerful as the M4A1, but has a higher rate of fire, and the addition of a scope, enabling both sniping and assault tactics to be used. It is a very good all-round weapon, but many players can't buy it due to its high price.

To snipe, zoom in on the enemy, and shoot one shot at a time. It actually seems more accurate than the SG-550 or the counter-terrorist version. In at most six accurate shots, you can kill someone from medium/long range. However, you should only use the scope at long-range, as the rate of fire falls dramatically when scoping.


* Price: $3500
* Country of origin: Austria
* Caliber: 5.56 NATO
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
* Rate of fire: 727 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 4.09kg
* Projectile weight: 4g
* Muzzle velocity: 2900 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 1570 joules
* Special traits: Has a usable scope
* Team: Counter-terrorists only

The AUG is the counter-terrorist equivalent to the SG-552. It also has a scope, and is about as powerful as the SG-552. However, it is considerably heavier, and therefore will impede movement more than the other weapons. Despite this, it is a very good weapon both for assault and sniping, and it's only the high price which prevents many players from using it.


There is only one machine gun: the M249-SAW. It is one of the most expensive weapons, but also has one of the highest firing rates, and can be used very effectively as a spray gun. Contrary to popular belief, the machine gun is actually quite accurate when firing one round at a time, and can be used to snipe in a similar manner as a rifle.


* Price: $5750
* Country of origin: Belgium
* Caliber: 5.56 parabellum
* Magazine capacity:100 rounds
* Rate of fire: 900 RPM
* Weight (loaded): 7kg
* Projectile weight: 6g
* Muzzle velocity: 3930 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 600 joules

The M249-SAW is an very expensive weapon, with a rapid firing rate and a large clip. Each round does not inflict a particularly high amount of damage, and it isn't particularly accurate unless fired in single shots or short bursts, but the spray power from an M249 is almost unbeatable. Due to the fact it carries a large ammunition bin, the advised way of using an M249 is to shoot anything that is vaguely out of the ordinary. Shoot round corners as you jump round them. Shoot at anything that moves.

You can use this in a closed space, like cs_office, or a large place, like de_aztec. For close spaces, shoot at every corner, and for large spaces, when you are being shot at, keep your finger on the trigger and search for the enemy. When you see some red blood, keep it there and either: spray (if it is close-range) or burst (in either situation, preferably long-range). Also, for both situations, use it for covering fire when facing the group (or person, please do it in group-vs-group), aka shooting at the group without bursting. The new players would retreat, and the pros would stay, leaving your team to kill the pros, unless they are smart enough to retreat once their whole team retreats or everyone besides the pro died. This weapon is somewhat like the AWP with the scout; it is expensive, and it is sort of hard to use effectively. People also say this weapon is a stupid person's weapon, and pros don't use this, but that is false. If you can kill three people using this with a expert level (bots), then you are a pro. Otherwise, keep practicing. [edit] Sniper rifles

The sniper rifles are the most specialised weapons available. They are all either non-automatic, or semi-automatic, and designed for careful aiming over long distances. They all boast telescopic sights, and several of them (namely the AWP and the automatic sniper rifles) are banned on many servers due to their extreme firepower. Before using a sniper rifle on the internet, it is advisable to practice carefully with bots locally, as it takes skill to wield a sniper rifle well. When buying a sniper, it is always a good idea to buy a good pistol as well, since snipers are extremely poor in close-range combat (since they don't have crosshairs unless zoomed, and zooming in at close-range is not advised).


* Price: $2750
* Country of origin: Austria
* Caliber: 7.62 NATO
* Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 3.3kg
* Projectile weight: 8g
* Muzzle velocity: 2800 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 2200 joules
* Special traits: Has a usable scope

The scout is the cheapest sniper rifle, but does the least damage, taking two body shots or one shot to the head to kill somebody, and is bolt action, meaning the gun must be cocked after every shot, taking time. The scout is the most accurate sniper rifle, and is very light, allowing for fast running speeds. The accuracy of the scout is such that it will still be moderately accurate while strafing, unlike the AWP.

If you are inaccurate don't use the scout, because if you are unable to hit people in the head you will be very ineffective with the scout. If you aren't very accurate, use the automatic sniper rifles instead, as they give you more opportunity to take repeat shots. Also, the scout is widely believed to be a pro gun, so if you are good with it that's great, but beware that it is known as a pro weapon because it is very difficult to use effectively.


* Price: $5000
* Country of origin: Germany
* Caliber: 7.62 NATO
* Magazine capacity: 20 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 4.41kg
* Projectile weight: 8g
* Muzzle velocity: 2800 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 2200 joules
* Special traits: Has a usable scope
* Team: Terrorists only

Along with the SG-550, the G3/SG-1 is an auto-sniper, and as such is banned on most servers. When sniping with the G3/SG-1, it is important not to get carried away with the fact that this gun is an auto-sniper: each consecutive automatic shot is considerably less accurate than the last, and going overboard with rapid fire will quickly empty the twenty-round magazine.


* Price: $4200
* Country of origin: Switzerland
* Caliber: 5.56 NATO
* Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 7.02kg
* Projectile weight: 4g
* Muzzle velocity: 3100 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 1650 joules
* Special traits: Has a usable scope
* Team: Counter-terrorists only

As with the G3/SG-1, the SG-550 is an auto-sniper, and banned on many servers. The SG-550 is less powerful than the G3/SG-1, but fires faster and is $800 cheaper. Its accuracy falls dramatically with each consecutive automatic shot, so it's best to fire one or perhaps two shots at a time, then pause and re-aim.

Use it when you are playing with beginner bots. Act like it is a real sniper rifle, and shoot and wait for the bolt-action substitution. The beginners are fairly stupid, and will usually shoot above the head, hoping for a head-shot. This is practice for using a scout for real tournaments, as the "auto-snipers" are a disgrace to most servers and, as listed above, will be banned. If you are up to the challenge, play against "professional" bots. Also, if you can, change the settings to (possibly) sniper rifles only. This will help you get better with killing other snipers.

AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum) AWP

* Price: $4750
* Country of origin: UK
* Caliber: .338 Lapua Magnum
* Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
* Weight (loaded): 4kg
* Projectile weight: 20.2g
* Muzzle velocity: 7000 feet/second
* Muzzle energy: 7000 joules
* Special traits: Has a dual-optical scope

The AWP is the largest and most powerful sniper rifle, killing in one shot in most cases. It is banned on most servers, but if you are allowed to use it, make good use of the scope. The AWP's scope is very detailed, and proficient snipers can jump out from behind cover, zoom in, fire and kill somebody then hide again multiple times and not get hurt. Training for hours offline with bots or online in deathmatch servers is the best way to go about learning. The drawback of this gun is that it isn't very accurate while moving, you have to actually stop moving and fire for the bullet to hit the target. Also, beware that this gun is sometimes believed to be a cheap gun because of its very high power and overusing it is discouraged in public servers. However unknown to others is the fact that this gun can be defeated. Using zig-zagging and unpredictable movement an awper can be taken down. This takes a bit of practice but can be achieved.

To chamber a new round faster than would otherwise be possible, you can change to a pistol, then back to the AWP very quickly. If practiced enough, this will result in a faster chamber time. This weapon is almost exclusively known as the AWP (Arctic Warfare Police), but is actually intended to be the AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum).


These weapons can be thrown, and are irretrievable once thrown. Skilled players will bounce them off walls so that they land around corners; this is especially useful with flashbang grenades, which you don't want to look at once they've been thrown.

Every grenade makes at least one damage if you manage to hit your enemy with it, so there is a possibility to kill an enemy with a flashbang or a smoke. [


* Price: $200
* Special traits: You can only carry two of them

The flashbang grenade is a good cheap way to keep the enemy from hitting you. When it goes off, any players (even your teammates) looking at it – or a reflective surface showing it – will be blinded for several seconds. Any players in the close vicinity will also be completely blinded. When thrown ahead of a rushing force, a flashbang is invaluable; one method of using it is to stop just before a corner, and bounce one off a wall to go off around the corner before you jump round.
Even if the flash didn't affect them, chances are enemies had to take cover and are less likely to be in a proper firing position right away. Flashbangs can also make a good distraction if you need to retreat.

Counter-tactic: If you see one land in front of you, you have several options. First, if no cover is available, quickly turn 180° directly opposite of the flashbang. This will minimize the effect to where you can still make out the area. The second is to open fire in the general direction the grenade came from hoping the enemy will be discouraged to go through with their attack. [


* Price: $300
* Special traits: You can only carry one of them

Smoke grenades release large volumes of smoke - enough to cover about six square metres - when they go off. In the middle, the smoke is thick enough to completely blind people going through it, and somebody outside the smoke cannot easily see people inside it. Smoke grenades can be used in a similar fashion to flashbangs, although their use has to be pre-planned and you must remember to wait about ten seconds after the grenade goes off, for the smoke to populate the area.


* Price: $300
* Special traits: You can only carry one of them

A high-explosive grenade (or frag grenade) explodes a few seconds after being thrown, hurting or killing any players (even your teammates) near it; the damage given depends on how far away from the grenade you are. Grenades are useful to throw when you know somebody is (for example) around a corner, but jumping out to shoot them would be too risky: they're bedded in, and your accuracy would be thrown by the movement.


Other weapons are: explosives, not actually weapons, or gametype-specific, and can't be categorised with the others.


The knife is given to all players automatically at the start of each round, cannot be dropped, and doesn't cost a thing. It is the least effective weapon, but - since it requires no ammunition - can be used again and again. It is one of the ultimate humiliations to be knifed to death in Counter-Strike: Source.

The knife has a primary and secondary attack. Primary attack will knife faster, but does less damage (about 12 damage). Secondary attack is about twice as slow as the primary, but does 55 damage in every attack, so two attacks is a confirmed kill. If you knife the enemy from the back with this attack, it will instantly kill the enemy, no matter the amount of hitpoints or armour. Players tend to throw HE-grenades at the target and then use the knife for a faster and safer kill.
The range of the primary attack is a bit higher, giving you a small advantage in knife fights if you want to avoid getting hit by the secondary attack. However, if you are not a pro with the knife, don't even think about it.


* Team: Terrorists only

At the start of every round on a bomb defusal map, a random terrorist is given the C4 to plant. They may drop this, and it doesn't cost them anything, but they have been entrusted with it, and it is their duty (unless they drop it) to destroy the target with it. [edit] Bomb defusal kit Bomb defusal kit

* Price: $200 * Team: Counter-terrorists only

When playing a bomb defusal map, a bomb defusal kit is an invaluable thing to buy. You can defuse the bomb without one, but having one accelerates the process considerably, and once the bomb's been planted, there is precious little time to waste before it goes off.


* Price: $200
* Team: Counter-terrorists only

When playing a bomb defusal map, a bomb defusal kit is an invaluable thing to buy. You can defuse the bomb without one, but having one accelerates the process considerably, and once the bomb's been planted, there is precious little time to waste before it goes off.

A Counter-Terrorist can defuse a bomb about ten seconds without a kit. With a kit, it takes five seconds.


* Price: $650

Kevlar is an invaluable asset to have once the first few rounds have been completed, as it adds an extra layer of protection, and reduces the damage caused by enemy fire. It does not, however, make you invulnerable.


* Price: $1000

Purchasing kevlar and a helmet is more expensive than buying just kevlar, but provides better protection, especially when playing against players who fire consistent headshots. The addition of a helmet protects your head, but as with the kevlar it only reduces the damage caused by bullets and does not make you invulnerable.

Don't rebuy armor if it's higher than 60. There's no difference between 100 armor and around 60ish armor.


* Price: $1250

Allows you to see better in the dark, and therefore can be quite useful in dark maps (a green overlay is put on your vision, and everything's brighter). In bright maps, however, it is a waste of money to buy, as using nightvision in a bright area actually makes your vision worse (things get too bright).

Have a nice gaming!
