Sunday, May 29, 2011


This is a seemingly rugged philosophy I often heard of people who hate doing things again and again, or simply those who are stubborn or lazy louds. At first glance the logical connection seems right of the two nuances — perfection and imperfection. Yeah, practice makes perfect, but the other side of the coin says nobody’s perfect! And it seems so convincing to keep them up every time there is a chance calling you to say so.

However, taking a second closer look at the two ideologies, two simple things come to the open — self and the things you do. Simply, when you say "practice makes perfect" it speaks about the things you do. When you say "nobody’s perfect" it speaks about yourself. You, being imperfect has nothing to do with the things you are trying to perfect. Thus, you do have to consider the dichotomy or the duality of two things — self and the things we do.

When you practice, you are trying to perfect the things that you are doing (i.e. dancing, singing, writing, drawing). When you say nobody’s perfect, you simply admit your contingency or your human nature which is imperfect.

Now, saying "practice makes perfect" is trying to perfect RELATIVELY the THINGS that you are doing, NOT yourself. Obviously, you cannot make yourself perfect by perfecting what you are doing; else you’re next to becoming a god. It is a useless passion trying to perfect yourself, rather than the things that you do. The perfection that we’re trying lay on the ground is not the perfection as if you’ll never commit any speck of mistake forever.

YOU, know it well, you can NEVER do that!

What we are talking about is a relative perfection, perfection that is suited for a man, not of a God. So we have to discount godly perfection here.

Now, at human grounds, it doesn’t mean that when we are not perfect, we cannot do things perfectly. Human as we are, no matter how we ‘perfect’ ourselves, and no matter how perfect the things that we are doing, there will still come a time that we would still falter and commit mistakes. And that is where we give justice to reparation, since mistake is everybody’s lot. We cannot make our imperfection ("Nobody is perfect) a defense against not perfecting ("Practice makes perfect") or doing things well.

Just do things as it is to be done, and perfection will find its way to it.
Just remember, in our imperfections, we see perfection itself.


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